Faith Confirmed
Text: Acts 2:1-21
Let us pray: May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable and pleasing in Your sight, O Lod, our Rock and our Redeemer.
God’s blessings to you Parker, and Tim, and Kai, and Levi, and Jordyn! Today is an exciting day for you. And I’m excited for you. Whether you realize it or not, this is one of the most important days of your life. I hope it’s a day you’ll remember, because today you are publicly and without reservation professing the faith given to you at your baptism. Peter and Rebekah did the same at the beginning of the service, even answering some of the same questions you’ll be asked in a few minutes.
You’re prepared. Lots of Scripture verses and catechism parts were memorized. Many a Wednesday was spent in class. But more than all that, you’ve welcomed the work of the Holy Spirit in your lives as He strengthens your faith that will guide your lives until our Lord calls you to His side. You’re ready. And what better day to celebrate than on the Day of Pentecost, the birthday of the Christian Church. The day when the Holy Spirit descended, and people from all over the world heard the Good News of Jesus proclaimed in their own languages. And upon hearing that Word, they were baptized and added to the Church. Knowing that, it’s most appropriate that today, the communicant membership of Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church will grow. Not by three thousand, but by five important members. Parker, Tim, Kai, Levi, and Jordyn.
You all may notice that this message is being directed to our five candidates for confirmation today, but I hope you’re all listening too. Some of you sat in their place. Perhaps recently, or maybe many years ago. Some of you are on the cusp of sitting in this pew yourselves. Whatever the case may be, this message is for you as well.
Each of you, throughout your lives, has heard the same message that St. Peter proclaimed that first Pentecost in Jerusalem. And today, with the rite of confirmation, you will be confessing before God and the world that this is what you believe, teach, and confess. This is faith in the fact that Jesus died and rose again to save you. This is the faith that began with the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit. Today you claim this faith as your own. It’s the faith that allows you to receive the very body and blood Jesus gave on the cross in, with, and under the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. For faith believes and trusts Jesus’ own words that say, “This is my body; this is my blood, given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” It’s the faith that reminds you where forgiveness is found. And “where there is forgiveness, there is also life and salvation.”
Does that all sound daunting to you? Did you know you’d be saying all that today? I believe you did. And you’re here to do just that. Let the world know that this is your faith. Your parents aren’t putting these words in your mouth. I’m not forcing you to say them. They’re yours. And it’s a great joy that I’ve had to walk with you over these past three years to come to this day and be able to hear you speak them out loud. Which is why we celebrate. It’s why we’ll gather in the fellowship hall after the service and rejoice. And I love a celebration!
You know, that’s what eternity is going to be, a huge celebration. As we sang in the liturgy, “This is the feast of victory for our God. . . . For the Lamb who was slain has begun His reign.” An eternal celebration with God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—serving us with his gifts.
Some of you will be continuing the confirmation celebrations this afternoon here at church, in the park, or back at your own home. What a time of joy that will be, as your friends and family rejoice with you in your bold confession. But for each of those celebrations to be successful, preparations needed to be made. Reservations needed to be made. Cakes need to be ordered. Perhaps even gifts needed to be purchased. But as joyous as those celebrations will be, they will all pale in comparison to the one God has planned for all His faithful people.
We don’t know when we’ll join that eternal celebration, that feast of victory, around the throne of the Lamb in his kingdom, which has no end. But by the grace of God alone, we do know what we need to do in the meantime. Remain faithful. Always remembering that He has done it all for us. I’m not going to lie to you, it’s not going to be easy. “Your adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.” This world, to which you do not belong, is going to be working against you. Your faith will cause you hardship in this life. You may lose friends. Which is why your stronghold is right here. Among those who share your faith. The Church is your sanctuary. Come often. Be strengthened through Word and Sacrament. Lean on your brothers and sisters for guidance and strength when you feel like your faith is waning. Lift each other up.
A couple weeks ago I sat the class down here on this very pew where they’re now sitting and gave them a choice. I let them decide whether they wanted to receive communion for the first time with their families, or whether they wanted to receive it together as a class. They unanimously agreed that they’d like to receive the Lord’s Supper for the first time as a class. Now, that’s no slight to the parents out there. What I think it is is an acknowledgement they have walked this road together and want to receive God’s gifts as the brothers and sisters in Christ that they’ve become. Remember that and lean on each other. You have the sure and certain hope of salvation. Don’t ever forget that and remind each other often. And as Peter says, “always (be) prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”
You’ve heard me say it many times, but confirmation is not a graduation. Today simply begins another part of your journey that our Lord has set before you. For that journey you’ll need strength. Just as your body can only go so far without being fed, so it is with your faith. It needs to be fed. If it’s not, it will weaken to the point of death.
As you grow and mature, that journey will present new and different challenges. God never promised to take those challenges away. What he did is promise to give you strength for the journey, strength to see through those challenges to the cross. St. Paul told the Christians at Rome: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” And Jesus said in St. John’s Gospel, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
That strength, that endurance for the journey, is yours in the receiving of God’s gifts. It began at your Baptism, when He washed away that ugly stain of sin. That faith is strengthened as God’s spiritual food is poured into your ears through the Word proclaiming Jesus and his life and salvation; it’s yours as you hear those comforting words of His Absolution. Your sins are forgiven in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And that strength will soon be yours as our Lord places into your mouth his very body and blood, given and shed for you, for the forgiveness of sin.
All of that is a lot to take in and to comprehend, but you’re in good company. Look around you. There isn’t a person here who understands every aspect of faith perfectly. They’re like you! Still growing and learning. That’s why we keep coming back. To hear. To see. To receive. To grow. The five of you, and everyone else here, will find comfort, strength, and encouragement in the faith we’ve been given. A faith that will remain strong as long as you, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” May your paths be straight. And when they’re not, may the foundation God has built over these years lead you back to Him and the comfort of salvation found in Christ alone. Amen.
The peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
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